JULY 12-13 2025
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Spanning continents and time zones, this international event has not only brought together a diverse and vibrant community but has also made a profound impact. Thanks to the collective efforts of our dedicated participants, we are thrilled to announce that we have raised over $500,000+ through this event since 2015. These funds directly support our mission to provide adaptive equipment and financial assistance for higher education to the disability community.
Participants of all ages and abilities are invited to embrace the spirit of this event by running, walking, and rolling at your own pace, from your own neighborhoods, and in your very own unique way for one weekend in July. After the completion of your run, walk, or roll, post on social media wearing your run, walk, and roll swag to help promote the mission of LAMN and tag us @laughingatmynightmareinc! Each move forward contributes to a greater goal.
Have a crew?
Set Up A 2025 Virtual Run, Walk, and Roll Team!
We have two options for setting up a team:
OPTION 1 "The LAMN App": Download LAMN's Virtual Run, Walk, and Roll app available here to quickly and easily set up your team and share your custom team link to get your friends to join!
OPTION 2 "Set Your Team Up Online": If you do not wish to use the Virtual Run app, complete this form to have your team set up and tracked manually. You will receive bi-weekly email updates on every team's fundraising progress. Please Note: Setting up an online team for our Virtual Run, Walk, and Roll is a great way to gather support and connect with others! However, please keep in mind that online team creation does not integrate directly with the virtual run app.
Team Perks:
Weekly Announcements: Teams who raise $200+ will be announced weekly on LAMN's social media and the LAMN app.
Custom Shirts: Teams who raise $500+, will have their team name printed in the "Team" section on the back of all Virtual Run, Walk, and Roll shirts.